Do you hate it when someone purposely disconnects just as they’re about to lose to you in an online game? Does it irk you to no end? If it does, Super Smash Bros. Brawl might have an answer.
Kotaku summarizes the Dojo update for today:
Masahiro Sakurai is a freaking genius. In the Smash Bros. Dojo!! update today he reveals details on the With Anyone mode of online brawling, which basically acts just like you were playing single-player – are no lobbies. Just connect and play. That’s not the genius bit though. I’ve never played a fighting game online where I hadn’t at some point had my opponent disconnect on me just as he was about to lose. That isn’t happening in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. If you are in a With Anyone match and you drop connection, the computer takes over control of your player immediately. It doesn’t even tell the other players you went offline, so you won’t even get the satisfaction of them knowing you fled.
Genius. Take that, sore losers.