Reader Submission: Smash Bros. Music Video

One of our readers, The Geeky Weekend, emailed us at [email protected] and shared this awesome Smash Bros. Music Video.  The music and character costumes are pretty fantastic, and I love the expressions and emotion that they put into their characters!  If you like this video, be sure to check out their others by visiting their Youtube page, Screen Team.


Do you have a video, song, game, or something else you would like to share with  If so, send us a link to [email protected] and we might just share it here!  If it is not Nintendo related, don’t worry, your project might make an appearance over on our sister site,!

Essel Pratt has spent his life exploring his imagination and dreams. As a Husband and a Father, he doesn't have as much time to write as he would like. However, his mind is always plotting out his next story. Someday he hopes to quit the 9-5 grind and focus on writing full time. Currently, Essel has three published short stories and is working on a handful of novels. Essel focuses his writings on mostly Horror/Sci-Fi, however is known to add a dash of other genres into his writings as well. In his spare time, he can be found playing one of the 40+ video game consoles in his collection, especially his Wii U (NNID: EsselPratt). Click the links below to follow Essel's exploits in the writing world, and be sure to follow his blog at as well as his articles on