1141 search results for "Game and Watch"

What are you playing this weekend?

It seems like I might have to miss hanging out with Midna again. Between games I just got (Kid Icarus on VC), games I plan to get (SSX Blur), movies I rented (The Prestige & The Departed), and comics I’m reading (The Dark Tower & Jeff Smith’s Shazam) this weekend, I’ll be exhausted by Monday. How about you, Infendo Nation .. what are you playing/watching/reading/making/do...

Wii Impressions – three months after launch

I took my first swing of a virtual tennis racket three months ago. While I haven’t played Wii Sports as much as Zelda or WarioWare, it made a lasting impression. The first time you get your baseball bat ready for a pitch and it matches each and every movement you make, a sense of awe comes over you. Now that I’m used to the Wii, it’s controller, and all the extra channels, itR...

Wii Weather Channel: Yet another porn gateway

From GameSetWatch: Japanmanship has a really fun post about the Wii weather channel, most specifically: “There is an island in the Pacific, south of Port Vila, called Erromango; it’s the southern-most province of Vanuatu and formerly known as Martyr’s.” But the odd translation has it as “Ero-manga island”, and: “For the benefit of those who don’t spe...

Madden 07 for Wii predicts Super Bowl winner

NOA Rufus from Nintendo.com came up with some Super Bowl predictions using the Wii version of Madden 07. The Colts ended up winning six out of the ten games he simulated, but the Bears’ defense didn’t make it easy for them. I can’t say I agree with his methods (2-minute quarters?), but I’ll definitely be comparing his report with the results come Monday morning. Who are you...

Cricket on Wii movement started

An Australian multimedia designer is starting a movement to get a Cricket game made for Wii. So far, he has contacted EA, created a website, and put together a promo video. It looks like a good number of Aussies are behind him, too. EA already makes a Cricket game, so I can’t see it being terribly impossible for them to port this to Wii. Are any of our international Infendonians out there in...

Nintendo’s Long Tail

If you’ve ever heard of the Long Tail by Wired magazine’s Chris Anderson, then you recognize why the Virtual Console is one of the biggest reasons Nintendo will probably go gangbusters in 2007-2008 with the Wii console. Today, Anderson himself discussed the Wii on his Long Tail blog: Nearly 1.4 million Wii hardware systems have connected to the Internet worldwide (as of 1/24/07) Approx...

Wii controlled robot signals apocalypse

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qEotHQgUsg]The Wiimote hacks are only going to get more crazy, methinks. Now some geeks have the Wiimote controlling the motions of sword-wielding robot. I kept waiting for the thing to swing a bit too far and take off a random limb, but it just wasn’t meant to be. [Via Game|Life]

Video preview roundup

GameVideos.com recently posted a ton of great Wii and DS videos: First we get a glimpse at Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones and its Wii control scheme. Get your choke on! The Godfather: Blackhand Edition looks like it’ll fill in the GTA gap on Wii. I had to watch a PS3 advertisement before watching this preview for SSX Blur. Mario Kart for DS was a huge hit. Will Diddy Kong Racing appeal to...

Virtual Console Monday – The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past [plus three from Sega]

According to NintendoGal.com, there’s only one new game released for the Virtual Console today .. and it’s a doozy. Originally released for the SNES, The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past was an extremely memorable entry in the Zelda series for many people. For me, it was so entertaining that I mostly watched as a friend played, giving him tips on where to go while keeping track of l...

Wii’s popularity limits Zelda time

Did I buy the wrong version of Twilight Princess when I picked it up for Wii? No, I’m not doubting the game’s tacked-on Wii controls. In fact, I find the Wii version’s controls to be intuitive and natural to the point that after playing for a minute, I completely forget I’m controlling a game (the true sign of good controls). No, I’m doubting my purchase for one simpl...

Merry Christmas, Infendoians!

Merry Christmas, every one! I’m stuck in Virginia without any GameCube controllers so I can’t play SFII on the VC. But who cares, I’m having a blast gaming the in-laws in Wii Sports and Excite Truck and just enjoying the family, good times, and delicious food. I’ve also enjoyed a ton of Clubhouse Hold ‘Em online. Look for me: Blake. And I can’t wait to watch the...

Doing a Sega

From the weekly GameIndustry.biz editorial email on why Nintendo will never become a third party software vendor, a la Sega: “Nintendo’s entire philosophy is focused on the platform – not on hardware or software as separate entities or businesses, but as the platform as a whole. [Nintendo] consoles are designed to suit the game concepts which will run on them – a working mo...