Did I buy the wrong version of Twilight Princess when I picked it up for Wii? No, I’m not doubting the game’s tacked-on Wii controls. In fact, I find the Wii version’s controls to be intuitive and natural to the point that after playing for a minute, I completely forget I’m controlling a game (the true sign of good controls). No, I’m doubting my purchase for one simple reason: I never have a chance to play it.
It’s going on a month and a half since I purchased the Wii version of Twilight Princess on launch day, and I’m at the point where I feel I’m never going to unravel the mystery of the Twilight Realm. Why can’t I play? Because my wife, family, and friends are always trying to lower their Wii Sports fitness age or pull off mad tricks in Excite Truck.
When I first got the Wii, watching my loved ones become excited about playing a video game was the true testament to Nintendo’s unique approach, and nothing made me happier than seeing my dad, who had never played a video game in his life, get a turkey in Wii Sports bowling. But even though these are all fantastic signs for Nintendo’s future success, the novelty of watching others play is wearing off, and I find myself pondering if I should have purchased the GameCube version of Twilight Princess just so I could play it on a console that isn’t constantly being fought over (my Cube hasn’t been fought over since the Double Dash and Donkey Konga days). I’ve concluded that, no, I did right by getting the Wii version; I just have to remain patient. The moral to the story? It’s a good problem for Nintendo fans to have, but at the same time, when you need your Hyrule fix, you just need it.
Anyone else having this problem?