1141 search results for "Game and Watch"

Nintendo speedlinking

Here are some nice little Nintendo related links on the day. Some good, some bad, and just some: Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting indefinitely on hold Elebits preview with awesome gamplay video Infendo reader J-man scores a 300 in Wii Sports bowling [Thanks, David and J-man]

Nintendo has best Wiik ever

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaqHEc_m2wA]Game, set and match as far as I’m concerned. Once you get Best Week Ever on VH1 you’ve basically won. Console war? Console what? Sigh…

Trash talkin’ Reggie the bowler

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEKC6ogjCBM]“I’m going to kick your ass, stomp all over you, and then we’ll work on 360.” Oh Reggie. My idol. Even if you stink at real bowling, your Wii Bowling chops are sharper than evar in this Game Trailers clip. You can talk trash too, meaning you’re always welcome at the Infendo household for holiday parties. [Game Traile...

Stephen Colbert: Wii Sports Boxing is #1 threat

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0RrZePmc68]Is the Wii the most addictive video game of all time? Stephen Colbert seems to think so, because it’s so … addictive. Then he goes and Wii Boxes the snot out of a Mii version of Speaker of the House elect Nancy Pelosi with his own personalized smirking Mii Colbert. Classic. Wii is everywhere, but can it last? [Thanks, Will]

Wii launch day: The day mainstream media review scores became irrelevant

That “read more” button is coming any day now, I’m sure of fit! There’s been enough time between now and the Wii launch to safely say the reviews are in. They’ve been, in a word, mixed. And by mixed I mean “wildly all over the place.” As an ardent supporter and fan of the console, having logged countless hours (actually, my system knows exactly how many now doesnR...

First Impressions: The Fam

Like many of the other Infendo bloggers this week, I too brought the Wii home to the immediate family for the Thanksgiving holiday. After explaining to my mother that, no, I did not just drop more than $600 for a PS3, I set about setting up the console on the family room television. What happened next made me feel absolutely 100% satisfied with every dollar I had spent last Sunday morning.The Lear...

First Impressions: The Wiimote

It was smaller than I expected, but the AA’s gave it some decent weight. I was worried about the wrist strap, but after five minutes of just waving my hand back and forth, watching the little hand pointer fly around and twist with my wrist movements on screen, I had forgotten all about it. So much so that I went to make a sandwich and it was hanging from my wrist like some huge, gangly Lives...

Wii First Impressions – ExciteTruck

I had my first Wii experience today when I got to play ExciteTruck at my local EBgames. The kiosk was casting it’s blue light into the hallway, but no one else was ensnared by its gleam. I walked up to the counter and said, “Can I take this for a test drive?” Gave the guy my license and was handed the Wii Remote. First impression, “Man, this thing is small .. but fat!”...

Nintendo speed linking

Some Nintendo link scraps on the day: Ten Reasons to Utilize GameCube to GameBoy Advanced Connectivity UK Wii tour Press release: Nintendo’s marketing blitz Wii profiled on Sacabee.com Excite Truck custom soundtracks confirmed Save the Pinata, Play Nintendo [Thanks, John, Freddie, Josh, and Izaak]

Nintendo advertising has gone plaid

Contrary to popular opinion, I am not in a bad mood. In fact, as many Infendo readers have pointed out, this week feels like Christmas times 1,000 (Fun fact: it also feels like Chanukkah times 125, because that holiday is eight crazy nights instead of just one), so I’m generally in a good mood all around. And I love Rollin. Now, for the news. Nintendo is ramping up to spend much, much more t...

Super Smash Bros. Brawl – new preview

A new preview for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was shown at Nintendo World 2006 featuring gameplay footage. Watch the video all the way through to see another character added to the lineup. Are you excited to see Fox return or is there someone you’d rather see brawling? myFlash = new FlashObject(‘http://www.gametrailers.com/umremote312.swf’, ‘swffile’, 400, 346, 8); myFlas...

Twilight Princess first impressions: It rocks

While the American video game press corps plays Zelda to their little hearts content in Seattle Redmond this week, they do so under a Nintendo embrago, unable to report whether or not they enjoyed this latest version of Link. The embargo lifts late this week, apparently, but that didn’t stop some Japanese pubs from putting their first impressions up on the Net. In a word, they say it rocks (...