Here is something that is really neat. Nintendo & The Louvre Museum (Ya know, the one with the Mona Lisa…) have announced a partnership that will make use of the 3DS.
The plan is to use a special Nintendo 3DS (Designed in-house at Nintendo’s Headquarters exclusively for the Louvre) as a interactive audio guide. The user will be able to see and hear commentaries and photos on over 700 individual pieces. It can also be used as an interactive map, with some of the most famous pieces pinpointed so people know exactly where to go. There are special guided tours to help newcomers get around and even a tour specifically for the Egypt section. It even uses Nintendo’s estimation location technology and shows your location on screen, helping you to navigate the entire museum, making it a must for 1st timers and those that get lost easily. Visitors will be able to use the New guides starting April 11th, 2012.
Nintendo is honored to be a part of this project and to be honest, I proud that I support a company that would do this. Not only is this a way to drum up interest in the 3DS (Roughly over 8 million people visit the Louvre each year), but it shows that it can be used for more than just a gaming device. It would be nice if Nintendo did this for other museums around the world. It also shows that it could be a useful tool in education as well. Being able to not only see art in person, but also interact with it is nothing short of amazing. It’s a fantastic thing they have done and I am excited to see what else Nintendo plans to do with it.
You can read the full press release here.