Satoru Iwata has stated that Being first to the market with the Wii U is not that important. Sure the advantage of launching before the other two players does put them ahead of the game, but what is more important is price.
“One of the reasons we believe this is the time for Nintendo to launch the Wii U is it’s going to be important for the world.” Said Iwata.
Although I am not sure why the Wii U launch will be “important” to the world, Iwata went on to say the following, “The pricing of Wii U is going to be one of the most important elements when it is going to be launched. The environment is different. Wii U is going to be launching in a different environment than when the Wii was launched. Also, the involvement surrounding [mobile and social] businesses is different than several years ago.”
Do you think this means the Wii U will carry a low price tag? If so, will the low price tag force the other two to lower cost when they finally launch? Or is this another ploy to keep us excited for the Wii U?