It seems like these Amazon Gold Box deals happen every other week with the Wii. That’s what happens when you have the market leading console and portable, I suppose. Anyway, it begins Friday at midnight Pacific time with the main deal, and then seven lightning deals follow thereafter.
On Friday, Sept. 19, 2008, eight Wii video games will be featured as the top eight deals in the Gold Box. The identities of each deal will be revealed one at a time.
Here’s how it will work: The first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its special discounted price will be available all day (or until we run out) on Friday, Sept. 19.
A series of seven Lightning Deals will then kick off at 6:00 AM PST. Each deal will be featured for a limited-time throughout the day until they are sold-out or until the next Lightning Deal begins. Learn more about Gold Box Deals in our Help section.
It’s sure to have a few clunkers, as always, but there may be a few gems too. Keep an eye out!