The Guardian today has an insightful interview with Miyamoto up. What got my attention was the discussion of how a remake to A Link to the Past would be just fine by him.
Are there any plans to adapt other older Nintendo games for the 3DS console?
Not really. We would like to create more new titles. For example, this year we are making Super Mario 3D, but it’s not really a remake of [the Wii’s Super Mario] Galaxy. The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past could be one of them. I think it would be good to see that world with a layered 3D effect.
Just think of it now, Turtle Mountain from an over the shoulder Ocarina of Time style perspective would be fantastic!
If we’re lucky, we will see it pop up on our next list of confirmed titles, but I’m not holding my breath.
What classic Nintendo games would you like to see modernized?