Lego City Undercover is little under a month away from releasing on the Wii U, and already members of the development team at TT Fusion believe that the title might be best game to hit the console. Speaking with Eurogamer, Lego City Undercover executive director Loz Doyle states that the game will be a surprise hit for the Wii U.
“We’re obviously really pleased with the game. If it wasn’t very good then we’d probably feel under pressure, but it’s our best Lego game and that’s really saying something. We’re really chuffed. It’s the best game on the Wii U.”
Later in the interview, Doyle goes on to explain how Nintendo gave TT Fusion the opportunity to make a unique Lego game and creating a new physics engine relative to the world of Lego.
Lego City Undercover will release in North America for the Wii U on March 18th.