One of the (unfortunately) overlooked titles from the early Wii days was Kororinpa Marble Mania, or “Marble Madness with a Story,” as I like to call it. It was a cheap, no frills, but wonderfully well-executed title that took advantage of the Wiimote accelerometer. And now it’s getting a sequel.
Summary, and terrible pun, provided by Wired:
Hudson said today that the sequel, Marble Saga: Kororinpa, will be available on Wii in Spring 2009 in the U.S. You should be very happy about this. The sequel will feature 150 levels, four-player multiplayer, online leaderboards, and the ability to download new stages. And, of course, Wii Balance Board support, if that’s how you roll.
Did anyone experience marble mania the first time around? Was Marble Madness not the most ridiculously hard game ever? Answer either, or bring up something else, in the comments below.