This weekend’s discussion got a little heated at times,however, good or bad, I found a lot of passion for Nintendo. Regardless of what side of the fence you are on, everyone that commented seems to want to see Nintendo prosper. I find it amazing that, even in down times, Nintendo fans stand tall and come together and can have a civil debate rather than a flame war. Regardless if you like the game-pad (apparently Microsoft and Sony do since they will be including the same features in their next gen consoles – albeit in a more expensive way), want more power (I still stand behind that quality games override power any day), more games (They are coming, patience young grasshopper), or more third party support (It is there, however we tend to only hear the news about the lack of support), or more sales (I am optimistic that we will see the increase we want by the end of the year), in the end, we all know that Nintendo has hit a rough patch, but they will prevail.
Despite slow sales and bad press, Nintendo does not seem to be worried about the negativity that has found its way into their company. In fact, they are taking this time to reassure employees that their jobs are safe. This is a strategy we just do not see these days. Iwata feels that laying people off will force those that stay to walk on eggshells, and that could affect their work.
“If we reduce the number of employees for better short-term financial results, employee morale will decrease, and I sincerely doubt employees who fear that they may be laid off will be able to develop software titles that could impress people around the world.”
Sure, layoffs would solve a short term problem, but the results could become long term. It is no secret that Nintendo has an emergency stash of cash, so even though they have reported losses, they are still in a good cash position internally. With the announcement that there will not be layoffs, they are also in a good position mentally. Regardless of how you feel about Nintendo and the Wii U situation, you have to respect Iwata, and his team, for thinking of the employees instead of handing out pink slips.
The lack of layoffs shows me that Nintendo has confidence in their company and the Wii U. I don’t think Nintendo expected to see such slow sales this early in the Wii U life cycle, but I think that they do see a sales increase in the near future. Those of you that are on the edge about the Wii U’s future, don’t leave just yet… I think the best is yet to come. Will the Wii U be as popular as the Wii? I am not sure if any of the future consoles form any of the big three will match those figures, but I have a feeling that the Wii will remain relevant and become very profitable for Nintendo.