Yes, says Malstrom, the obscure, long-winded, and one time Infendo commentator.
“The Ultimate Big Problem is that the decision makers inside Nintendo (e.g. Iwata and Miyamoto) wish to define the company in a way different than how Nintendo customers wish to define it,” Malstrom writes on his blog. “When will Nintendo be Nintendo again? Not in the eyes of Iwata or Miyamoto but in the eyes of the customers who are paying for everything. Until Nintendo matches the definition of the business to how the market perceives and desires Nintendo to be, we can predict with 100% accuracy that there is only stagnation or decline in Nintendo’s future.”
As Malstrom sees it, Nintendo wants to be perceived as an innovative technology company, which they sometimes are. But most people buy Nintendo games because of their enduring appeal. For their ability to transport older gamers to simpler but still enjoyable times. For being accessibile to gamers of all ages.
Cases in point, The Virtual Boy, N64, GameCube, and most recently 3DS and the upcoming Wii U, which left a lot of people more confused than inspired when it was shown this summer. “They do not feel like Nintendo products,” Malstrom concludes. “The 3DS seemed to be more about pushing 3d technology and 3d content which has nothing to do with arcade type games. The Wii U seems to be more about gobbling up the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 markets which greatly annoys people. How can the Wii U have a Nintendo identity if it has Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games on it?”
What do you think: Agree… disagree?