Infendo makes its play for a PAX East Panel

paxeastlogo_whiteApparently PAX East is looking for panel submissions. Industry dignitaries, celebs, desperate fan site editors trying to make a name for themselves. That sort of thing. Here’s what Infendo’s thought up so far:

David Cole presents: “An Afternoon Chat with David Cole: Video Games Are Just Like Movies: How Publishers Can Be Successful Through Focused Marketing And Bigger Production Budgets”


“Drink the Kool-Aid: An Intimate Evening Panel With Infendo Sr. Editor Jack Loftus, Wherein He Explains When and Why He Replaced All Carnal Desire for Human Touch and Interaction with a Cold, Uncaring Box of White Plastic”

and from Will:

“Deranged Sense of Accomplishment: A look at the Nintendo DS After Five Years”

There may be more. Watch out. Maybe you should think of a few of your own.