HOLD IT! Phoenix Wright on WiiWare confirmed!


…for Japan, at least.  Thanks to snapshots of the latest issue Famitsu, a WiiWare port of the original “Ace Attorney” adventure and it’s two sequels has been confirmed.  This series is quite the console hopper – starting on the Gameboy Advance in Japan, coming over to US Shores in a revised DS format – and now making it’s way to the Wii.  It’s a bit roundabout, but that makes the Phoenix Wright the first “GBA game” to show up on the Wii.. ..although technically a WiiWare game, not Virtual Console.

The first game is set for release on December 15th, with two sequels and a bonus case to appear over the next several months:

From Joystiq:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
will be available in Japan on December 15 for 900 Wii Points, with the two Phoenix Wright sequels following on January 26 and February 23 for 1200 Wii Points each. The original case added to the DS version of the first Ace Attorney will be out on March 16 for 300 Points.

Play Phoenix Wright again on WiiWare? For 900 points, I just might.  How about you? Let us know in the comments!