07. Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident (Big Fish Games, Nintendo)
Like the minigame compilation, the point-and-click adventure has been revitalized on consoles thanks to the Wii’s broad appeal and the unique attributes of its controller.
Unlike the minigame compilation, it hasn’t been shoved down our throats.
Call it a hunch, but it’s likely the genre’s oversaturation has caused some Wii owners to feel indifferent toward the first three games we’ve outlined. Fortunately, the console has more to look forward to than minigame compilations. For those hoping for something a little less waggly, Mystery Case Files is finally launching an investigation on Wii.
A long-running PC series, Mystery Case Files is an old-school puzzle game. The titles emphasize solving riddles, searching for clues and using your wits to discover the truth, like a video game hybrid of the Where’s Waldo? books and the board game Clue.
Despite mixed reviews, the 2008 title MillionHeir was a huge success on the Nintendo DS. The Malgrave Incident marks the debut of Mystery Case Files on a home console.
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident opens the case later this month.