Exciting Times

Nintendo is good. Yeah that’s coming from a fan site, but can you think of a more exciting time for Nintendo gaming? I just got done playing two very different games, using very different technology, yet extremely alike. Wario Ware Inc. for the GBA, and Nintendogs for the DS. I simply can’t get enough because these titles, along with so many others are extremely creative and fun to play. Turn the system on, and get hooked. No planning. Just gaming.

Nintendo is so outright creative, I’m convinced they could entertain us with just about anything. Even with stellar technology and hardware, it has always been the games that have fascinated me. They have games that appeal to everyone. They have games that inspire. They have games that bring a smile to just about anyone’s face.

The company’s three pillar strategy is seeming more and more like a stroke of genius. Classic 2D and traditional gameplay can always be found on the brilliant GBA, with games still coming out, and many more to come. And they keep pushing the system’s limits with the likes of Advance Wars, Wario War, and Minish Cap. The DS is the most creative piece of hardware I think we’ve ever experienced. The games out for this system our so fresh and original, it’s a shame if you don’t own one. You would be sorely missing out.

And finally the Revolution, or so it’s called for now. The title is still fitting though. It’s not just the name of an upcoming console, it’s a model for redesigning how we play games. It will bring together past, present, and future, while simultaneously changing the way we play games. A majority of us, myself included, can’t even fathom the possibilities clearly. But the best part is that it’s only going to get better.