Could A New F-Zero Be In The Works?


Twitterer @rayquaza3010 sent a simple tweet to @shinegames, probably not expecting a response, stating that he would like them to develop F-Zero for Wii U.  However, Shine Games did respond with, “something in the works”.  Could this mean that a new F-Zero is in the works, or were they just hinting that they do have a project in the works?  A later tweet stated, “We will reveal a new Wii U game later this year, well even too games ;)”  ( I am assuming that should be “two”).

Now, this could just be a case of a misinterpreted tweet, but would you be excited about a new F-Zero?



Also, I would like to wish the love of my life,  my Wife,  a very happy birthday!


Essel Pratt has spent his life exploring his imagination and dreams. As a Husband and a Father, he doesn't have as much time to write as he would like. However, his mind is always plotting out his next story. Someday he hopes to quit the 9-5 grind and focus on writing full time. Currently, Essel has three published short stories and is working on a handful of novels. Essel focuses his writings on mostly Horror/Sci-Fi, however is known to add a dash of other genres into his writings as well. In his spare time, he can be found playing one of the 40+ video game consoles in his collection, especially his Wii U (NNID: EsselPratt). Click the links below to follow Essel's exploits in the writing world, and be sure to follow his blog at as well as his articles on