A quick hit for the lunchtime crowd from Seeking Alpha:
In this week’s Time magazine story about China’s Me Generation (teens to thirties), a rising middle class twentysomething declared he would rather have a Nintendo Wii than democracy. Need I say more?
Um, wow. I don’t know if that’s bad news for China or great news for Nintendo or what.
An accompanying article, also at Seeking Alpha, tells us that demand for the Wii has increased in the run up to the holiday season. Investors, as is usually the case with a sure thing, are clamoring to buy more stock. “As I noted when first recommending NTDOY at SmartGuyStocks in June, the Wii is a revolutionary development in the gaming world that is doing what PS3 and Xbox360 will never do: going mainstream,” said one investor analyst.
Right on, man. It’s also apparently the scourge of democracy in mainstream China too. Good times.