A note on multi-page Infendo articles

250bosshogDear readers,

In an effort to optimize advertising page views to grow our little site, we’ve begun using multi-page articles on Infendo this month. We’re still working on where they make the most sense, but in the future, we plan on adhering to the following guidelines:

  1. For short news articles and blog posts, will we continue using the “continue reading”  links on the home page, like we’ve done in the past.
  2. For longer news articles that announce several things, like this, we will use no more than two pages.
  3. For feature stories and listicles like this, we will fragment articles with pages as much as it makes sense for copy flow, various images, and multiple videos.

If our ad-sponsored content and intelligent community are no longer worth the tolerance required to view the occasional multi-page story, I’m sorry to see you go. Hopefully we can hook you again in the future with a more compelling voice’one that’s so good, you’ll even click through extra pages to get it.


Blake, Infendo bosshog