Facebook games….well they kind of suck. There has yet to be a game on the social media network that has compelled me for more than maybe a week at a time (although PopStocks surely was very close to doing just that). However, if someone was able to combine the social aspects of a Facebook, with the gaming knowhow of Nintendo, I think that would be the best of both worlds.
Having to manage multiple gaming profiles is a huge pain. Xbox Live, PSN, Nintendo Network. Every service requires a different login, with different friend’s lists on each one. Imagine a world in which all you have to do is connect your Facebook account to your console, and you can connect at any time to what your friends are doing. No worries about friend codes. No having to manage multiple screen names. Any time I want to play Fifa with a friend, all I have to do is click on Harrison Milfeld and I’m good to go.
If this should come to pass, this could be the end of having to worry about multiple gaming network logins. Whether I play on the PS4, Wii U, Xbox 720, or even Steam, I could always see what my friends are playing and what console they are playing on. Is this somewhat of a pipe dream? Sure. But if I had it my way, the cooperation of the most popular social network in the world with all the major console makers just makes sense. Will this happen in the long run? Probably not. But damn it if I don’t that it is a good idea.
Or maybe it’s not. What do you think? Should Facebook integration be implemented into consoles in the future for the better of connectivity among gamers?