Can the PS3 save Sony? That’s what Wired explores in a recent article urging the company to become “fun again.” Author Frank Rose had this say about the Wii:
“The Wii is a product Sony might have developed in its heyday. It doesn’t try to outdo anyone on graphics muscle or computational power? in fact, it opts out of the arms race entirely. Faced with a shrinking videogame market in Japan even as it was being elbowed into third place worldwide by Microsoft, Nintendo had to do something fresh, so company president Satoru Iwata and game designer Shigeru Miyamoto put their heads together and came up with a gyroscopic controller that looks and feels like a TV remote. The Wii transforms gameplay from an exercise in button-pushing to something you do by swinging the controller through the air? pretty nifty when you’re engaged in swordplay. No wonder gamers use words like “wow” and “amazing” when they try it out.”
All who believe this upcoming console war to be the most interesting we’ve ever had say “I.”