From the ‘why the hell hasn’t someone thought of this already file’ comes news that the Wiimbledon gang in NYC is set to unleash some Wii Bowling League goodness to the masses in the near future.
Steve Bryant, half of the duo behind the recent smash-hit Wiimbledon event, has gone in with Internet media guru Tim Shey to create Wii Bowl NY, a new Wii Bowling League. Details are slim at the moment, and the website isn’t up as of this writing, but Bryant does have a few words for us as to his plans for the league…
“We expect it to be like a corporate softball league — weekly games, three-person teams, played at various bars around the city. Probably start in September once everybody’s back from vacation.”
Truthfully, it’s not the first time the Wii Bowling League idea’s been floated down the Internet pipeline. However, the boys in NYC behind Wimbledon have some street cred now, so this league might have a better chance at longevity and publicity. Sometimes it’s not about thinking of the idea first, it’s about how you market it and convince everyone that you thought of it first. Just ask the SIXAXIS.
On a personal note, this kind of idea just SCREAMS for an online bulletin board where you could have a virtual league and compete, with teams, against people from all over the world. I can’t get to NYC to play in this league, and similar ventures just don’t exist around where I live right now. Apparently this kind of functionality is too dangerous for Nintendo to implement. There’s the children to consider, right?
[Thanks, Albert]