Nintendo’s second great white hype (behind the Nintendo DS) has won Popular Science’s Grand Award for Best of What’s New in Home Entertainment. You may remember our previous post on this, but today it’s known that the Wii has taken the top spot of all top innovations in home entertainment.
“Remember when video games were fun? When the controllers had only a couple buttons and you didn’t have to spend an hour learning the seven-step finger dance for “walk?” Nintendo does, so it took a step back, looked at its superpowered competitors, and took a totally different path with its new console, Wii. […] In Wii Tennis, swing your hand just as you would a racket. In Excite Truck, hold both ends of the controller as if it were a steering wheel. And look out for that tree, because, photo-real or not, these games will draw you in. $250”
You’ll remember that BOWN award winners tend to go onto to greatness. Here’s to continuing that trend. [Update: Wii, not Wi]