Just two releases today, but at least one of them should make a lot of people happy! Check out the two cult classics now available from the Wii Shop Channel:
StarTropics – NES – 1990- 500 Wii Points
Find out just how resourceful you can be in this classic game, with its mixture of adventure and RPG elements. Step into the shoes of Mike Jones, a teenage star pitcher from Seattle who has come to the tropics to visit his famous archaeologist uncle, Dr. Jones. After being told that his uncle has been abducted, Mike begins a perilous quest in order to rescue him and figure out the mysterious plot behind his disappearance. (Developed by Nintendo)
The King Of Fighters ’94 – NEOGEO – 1994 – 900 Wii Points
As the first game in the long-running King Of Fighters series, The King Of Fighters ’94 brought together popular characters from other well-known franchises and pitted them against each other. Match warriors from Fatal Fury against favorites from its sister series, Art of Fighting. (Developed by SNK)