With the Announcement of Super Smash Bros Switch coming out this year its a good time to speculate on some of the new characters that might be in the new Smash. Of course Nintendo always manages to bring in a surprise character or two, but here are 10 characters we think should be in the new Smash game. 1.Crash Bandicoot Crash makes a ton of sense for smash with The N-Sane Trilogy coming to Switc...
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” This is a quote from Mr. Miyamoto, and the point is pretty clear: Slow and steady wins the race. But if Duke Nukem Forever taught us anything, it’s that there’s a clear window between perfecting something and missing the mark. Enter Yooka-Laylee, the much-hyped and overall positively-received title from newcomer ind...
Christmas time is fully upon us people! Man the battle stations, T-minus 6 days until Old Saint Nick is sliding down a chimney near you! If you need a companion during your last minute shopping expedition, never fear because Infendo Radio is on now! This week we talk about the surprise Kirby announcement marking his 25th anniversary, we dive deep into Nintendo Switch rumors, talk about the sadness...