Now, you could make fun of the new partnership between Nintendo and sports retailer Sports Authority, but by doing so you’d be completely missing the point. Best just keep that ignorance quiet for now.
Wii Fit, an interactive fitness experience that has invaded the market place like a genetically modified pitbull on steroids, gave players the long-awaited ability to work out at home. With their Wii. This time around, Nintendo gives us Wii Fit Plus, which for all intents and purposes is an expansion to the original. Alot of people are probably asking though, “Is it worth the dough?!”
So, I picked up Wii Fit Plus the day after it came out, and while the full review is coming next week, I have a beef now that I figured I would let people know about. If your Wii’s location is set to Canada (like me), Wii Fit Plus has decided that you measure everything in metric. Lets face it, North America uses the Imperial system for day-to-day measurements, especially things like weight ...
Still have pounds to shed? Don’t worry—Nintendo has your back. The company confirmed rumors by today revealing Wii Fit Plus, a sequel to its popular fitness game Wii Fit. Included with the exercises are 15 new balance games, including juggling, skateboarding and a “perfect ten” math game. Executive vice president of sales and marketing Cammie Dunaway calls it “Brain A...