I will admit, a new Wolfenstein does not appeal to me at all, but I don’t really have anything negative to say about it. However, Mr. Spector is a little more vocal about the idea. “Did the world really need another Wolfenstein game? Did we need a generically dark, monochromatic, FPS, kill-the-Nazi-giant-robot game? Uh. No. The world did not. I am so tired of stuff like this. “You’re welcom...
Warren Spector and Disney France have sent out invitations for a March 27th announcement of an “EPIC PROJECT”. Rumors state that the announcement will reveal Epic Mickey 2, however other rumors hint that Epic Ducktales could be announced. I have not played Epic Mickey yet, but it is definitely on my list. As most of you know, I am a Kingdom Hearts Fanboy and have come to love the sl...