[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCli-TfN3Ng[/youtube]I have been pretty open about my love for Rayman Origins. Simply put, it was one of my favorite games of last year. This year the game is coming out again, this time for Nintendo’s little 3D machine that could. If you haven’t played the game yet (and chances are that you haven’t given the sales numbers of the game), you...
More Rayman Origins Videos So I have already played and beating Rayman Origins three times, on two different consoles. I simply love the game and think the experience is far and away the best platforming game of this console generation (sorry New Super Mario Bros. Wii). Ubisoft simply has done something amazing with the UbiArt Framework, and the game benefits tremendously from it. Now that the 3DS...
Rayman Origins is by far and away one of the most pleasant surprises of 2011. Who knew that the franchise that went from a side-scrolling platformer in 1995, to a mini-game collection in 2006 would come back full circle to deliver one of the finest platformering games in existence. Coming from a Nintendo fan who grew up with Mario titles such as Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World, this pra...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJTfvoo4UY[/youtube] Rayman Origins really should be on your radar of upcoming games for this holiday season. For me, the game sits right up there with Skyward Sword and Super Mario 3D Land. With every video I see of the game, my anticipation just continues to grow. I mean check out that art style, the game is just oozing with pizazz. My only complaint with...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vq2UufgkWM[/youtube] The only problem I have with this game is which platform to get it for. Do I stick with the tried and true console controls of the Wii, or do I experience the game in an entirely new perspective on the 3DS?! Decisions, decisions! Oh boy does this game look good, I can’t wait. If you are picking this game up, what platform are you ...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9rcIK_t4IY[/youtube] Rayman Origins is wonderfully artistic. That I cannot deny. But something bothers me about its graphics: Playable characters are frustratingly small. That is to say, the camera is too wide to really appreciate the playable character. Instead of enjoying the entire screen, you’re eyes are focused on such a tiny spot of TV real esta...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLgXYSa1eLw[/youtube]When booting up the Nintendo Wii, it is a given that you won’t be getting HD visuals and huge polygon counts when compared to other gaming machines on the market. These limitations breed innovation, however, and this is shown of magnificently with Rayman Origins for Wii and 3DS. The hand-drawn art direction that Ubisoft has taken f...