
Infendo Review: DiRT 2 [Wii and DS]

DiRT 2 is a game that is supposed to be all about extreme off road rally racing from mud covered courses, dirt roads, and various other special stadiums set up for rally racing. It’s also supposed to be the return of awesome racing, new and improved physics, visuals and intense head-to-head game play that the first Dirt was known for. It’s list of improvements is lengthy, but does it l...

Youtube Tuesday – Mario Kart: The Movie

The official trailer for the upcoming film based on the Mario Kart games. Have any suggestions or videos for YouTube Tuesday? Send them in at [email protected]

Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli looks HAWT!

I’m not a huge racing fan (Mario Kart excluded), but… Not a bad looking screenshot, huh? More here. Press release after the break.