I love my Wii U, the games, the features, the game-pad, and just about everything about the console. In fact, I honestly don’t have any complaints about the console. However, there are a lot of Nintendo fans that are upset various facets of the Wii U’s existence. Whether it be the quantity of games, the lack of complete third party support, the specs on the inside (power), or almost...
In an interview with Forbes, Reggie was ready when the tough question about the Wii U’s lack of power, compared to the PS4 and Xbox One, was discussed. In fact, he pointed out two very successful, yet underpowered, consoles from the past that dominated the marker…the PS2 and the Wii. Why were they successful? Simply put, it was the games. “The processing power of the hardware really...
Kid Icarus Uprising fans eager to expand their collection of battling AR cards can get a boost from this month’s Nintendo Power. It includes three free cards, and they’re all superstars: Poseidon, Medusa (battle form) and Thanatos. I let the Sea King and Snakelocks duke it out on my table for your enjoyment; after the break you’ll see how it turned out, as well as a rundown of so...