Another new stage has been unveiled for Smash Bros, this time representing a series not yet visited in the franchise. The Paper Mario stage highlights some of the major mechanics of the series, as it is made of paper and is blown away by strong winds. It is currently unclear whether this will affect the gameplay of your fighters, but when the stage folds over and opens up again, it transforms into...
Fans of Paper Mario will be excited to hear that the newest installment will be released on November 11th of 2012. Nintendo has also released dates of other games such as Professor Layton and the Miracle mask and Disney Epic Mickey for the 3DS and 3DS XL. Check out the list after the jump. What 3DS games are you most excited about, and why?
Six new 3D trailers have been added to the eShop, giving an updated preview of Super Mario 3D Land, Mariokart 7, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario and Animal Crossing. These titles are the reason I bought a 3DS, and they’re all looking fantastic. Luigi’s Mansion 2, in fact, looks like it may turn out to be the surprise super-charmer of the bunch.