Based on my unscientific observations, I’ve decided Wiggler is, by far, the least popular character in Mario Kart 7. In all my hundreds of online races, I’ve encountered him maybe twice. I’ve seen thousands of Metal Marios, Lakitus and Rosalinas, but players are shunning the gangly newcomer. Really, who can blame them? Wiggler looks awkward in any cart, his flailing arms are dist...
Six new 3D trailers have been added to the eShop, giving an updated preview of Super Mario 3D Land, Mariokart 7, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario and Animal Crossing. These titles are the reason I bought a 3DS, and they’re all looking fantastic. Luigi’s Mansion 2, in fact, looks like it may turn out to be the surprise super-charmer of the bunch.