Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! This week Infendo Radio comes to you a day early so as to help celebrate the holidays with video game music! In this episode of Infendo Radio will be a video game winter music best of, so we hope you enjoy the show! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected]. Section Break...
With the Holiday season about to crank into full gear, many technology and video game websites/publications have been gathering together their annual gift guides. Some of these guides either cater consumers to what products to buy and which ones to avoid completely. One tech publication in particular, CNET, has recently named their worst holiday tech gifts and unfortunately the Wii U was one of th...
Never has an Easter Egg been so proud to be decorated than it has been today. Graced with the red, black and white color scheme of a Pokéball, this egg might be confused for the real thing by any Pokémon Trainer. You can find another Pokémon themed egg after the jump!
This story comes from the personal files. Given the Christmas season and its strong association with new video games for boys and girls the world over, here is one of my most memorable experiences as a video game enthusiast. Though I dabbled with an Atari 2600, I was raised on the NES. I have so many fond memories of that system because I associate with it so many good times from my childhood. Don...