Guest Article

Guest Post – Nintendo Blacksheep: StarTropics

For those of you readers who don’t know me (which I’m sure is 99.9% of you), my name is Anthony DeVirgilis, and I’ve been writing at for around 4 years on and off.  I consider myself a well-rounded gamer, owning just about every console and willing to give a game in any genre at least a chance.  Enough about me though, the reason I am here and writing this article i...

Guest column – Kids these days

[Guest column by Ben from Pennsylvania] I just wanted to say how sick I am of your 17 year old Average Joe gamer. The only thing he seems to care about is new games with new graphics. I’ve recently heard kids at school say how excited they were for Resident Evil 5, despite having never played a Resident Evil game before. I was even ostracized for saying that it wasn’t as good as the pr...

Let’s WiiLove, not WiiHate

[Guest article by Andrew Adam] Internet communities tick me off sometimes.  No matter if I am on the Nsider2 forums, surfing internet gaming sites, or listening to podcasts, it’s easy to hear a lot of bashing of the Wii.  “I’m bored with my Wii.”Â  “The Wii has no good games.”Â  “The casual players are killing video games.” Really people? I don’t quite understand all the com...

Why I’m Happy with the Wii

Please enjoy this guest article by Rob Miles!  Thanks, Rob! Negative stories about the Wii have been pretty common in the gaming press since before the system was even launched, but it seems as the system’s success grows, these stories have only increased.  If you follow many of the major gaming sites, you have no doubt read many articles and comment sections on either how the Wii is under...