Nintendo recently held its 73rd annual stockholder meeting this past week, and the company was able to share on its Japanese website the following questionnaire. The topics asked by fellow investors touched upon the possibility of Virtual Boy titles on the Virtual console (try saying that three times fast), the whereabouts of the Wii Vitality Sensor, and even the state of the food served at Ninten...
[youtube][/youtube] For those who have read about Nintendo’s latest E3 announcements but care not to view the entirety of their latest direct, well, you’re in luck. A humorous abridged version of the E3 Nintendo Direct is now available from the fine folks at Special thanks to for another one of their abridg...
Today, Miyamoto offered his thoughts on Microsoft’s controversial approach to game ownership and why game companies should allow the customer to retain the use of their property. Speaking with Eurogamer, Miyamoto states that a consumer has the right to keep a game or download for as long as they please. He further mentions that gamers will want to keep the ownership of these games from their...
Speaking during an E3 analyst briefing, Nintendo President and CEO Satoru Iwata hopes to revitalize the Wii U platform not just only with first party titles, but, hopefully, with more third party software. Iwata didn’t disclose what third party software would be coming to the Wii U; however, more and more titles would come once they renew interest. Iwata’s quote below: “When it comes t...
[youtube][/youtube] Game Freak Director Junichi Masuda unveiled Tuesday during Nintendo’s E3 Developer Direct a few more juicy details regarding Pokemon X & Y. One of the new features that will be included in X & Y is the Player Sear System or PSS for short. The PSS allows players to connect, trade, and battle with each other, be it locally o...
[youtube][/youtube] During today’s E3 Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata showed off more footage of Monolith Soft’s open-world RPG, X. First unveiled at a January Nintendo Direct, X has caught the attention of the JRPG community with its lush visuals and production values. Little to no details are known...
At E3 2013, Nintendo has two Zelda titles on the show floor. The titles in particular are an HD remake of the Wind Waker for the Wii U and the other being a sequel to A Link to the Past for the 3DS. Yet, unbeknownst to us, a third Zelda title in development was almost revealed. Nintendo had contemplated about showing off their progress for the next Legend of Zelda title for the Wii U; however, the...
[youtube]![/youtube] Pikmin 3 is slated for release on the Wii U in North America on August 4th. Enjoy the newest trailer released by Nintendo today.
[youtube][/youtube] Nintendo has unveiled the four Wii U titles that will be playable at select Best Buy stores in North America for the upcoming E3 week. The select titles include Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. The dates for the Best Buy events will take place on June 12th ...
[youtube][/youtube] Nintendo of America President and COO, Reggie Fils-Aime, was featured today on Nintendo’s YouTube account to discuss Nintendo’s plans for E3 2013. As mentioned previously, Reggie states that an hour-long Nintendo Direct will be available for live streaming on Tuesday June 11 at 7 AM PST. In addition, Reggie spoke out on othe...
Hello. We already announced we will have another #NintendoDirectNA at E3, but now we can share the date/time: 6/11 at 7 am PT. #IwataSays — Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) May 23, 2013 Nintendo of America has announced via their Twitter account that they will be hosting a new E3-centric Nintendo Direct on June 11th. The presentation will commence at 10 AM Eastern and will be available for s...
As a palate cleanser from all of the XBox news yesterday and the seemingly endless debate over which console will win the next generation when two of them still have months left until they hit the market, comes news on the retro gaming front. Retro-bit, a company that produces products for many retired consoles, has announced that they are releasing a new line of wireless controllers for the NE...