With the Announcement of Super Smash Bros Switch coming out this year its a good time to speculate on some of the new characters that might be in the new Smash. Of course Nintendo always manages to bring in a surprise character or two, but here are 10 characters we think should be in the new Smash game. 1.Crash Bandicoot Crash makes a ton of sense for smash with The N-Sane Trilogy coming to Switc...
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” This is a quote from Mr. Miyamoto, and the point is pretty clear: Slow and steady wins the race. But if Duke Nukem Forever taught us anything, it’s that there’s a clear window between perfecting something and missing the mark. Enter Yooka-Laylee, the much-hyped and overall positively-received title from newcomer ind...
Something that I always found interesting is that Microsoft does not offer a handheld version of the xBox. As the mobile gaming industry is exploding (just look at the 3DS sales), it almost seems that Microsoft has just given up on the handheld game. Something else that I find interesting is that Rareware (wholly owned my Microsoft) has, in the past, released games for the DS. Diddy Kong Racing ...
Remember when Rare Ltd. was bought by Microsoft back in 2002? Yeah, as a youngster, it hurt me to see franchises like Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Conker, and Banjo-Kazooie now belong to the hands of Microsoft instead of Nintendo. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend…an old friend that took quite a long time to put out material for one’s console. In hindsight, it was probably...