I’ll preface my bias with an apology before I begin. There, done. That said, I’m sorry to say that not all video game consoles are created equal. Executives can spin and spin all they want, and analysts can attempt to show they are precognitive by guessing correctly what’s going to happen month after month, but in the end the fact remains that articles such as the one I’m about to cite are being written about the Wii and only about the Wii.
In Wired’s How to Score a Wii This Christmas you’ll get a rehash of some of the strategies laid out last November and December, but regardless it’s solid info to have on hand just in case you’ve tried everything short of assaulting someone for a video game console (oops, was that too soon?).
My own experiences this week have led me to believe that midday shopping runs to GameStop work pretty well too. The Burlington Mall GameStop here in Massachusetts sold two Wii’s to the same customer (cash only if you want more than one!) and had more to spare for a second customer around 1 p.m. on Tuesday. If you are willing to take some time off work, or shop during unconventional hours (be that at 3 a.m. in a line or just after lunch on a Tuesday), I’m certain you can score one of the coveted Wii consoles this holiday. Or you can just go during normal hours and buy one of the other systems. Or a Nintendo DS. I hear that little guy’s pretty popular now too.