The new Pokemon Go Kanto event is coming soon – Saturday, February 20th to be specific.
If you’ve already shelled out the hefty $14 price tag for entry, you’ll soon be getting prompted to pick a version of the event you want to play.
The verisons are themed after the original Pokemon games, so you’ll either be experiencing the Red version, or the Green version, but you won’t be able to do both. So, which version is right for you?
Since the focus of the Pokemon Go Kanto event is going to be finding shiny pokemon, you’ll want to choose the version that has the shinies you’re looking for. Many of these Pokemon overlap, but as with any good Pokemon game, there are version exclusives – You’ll find the full list below:
Pokemon Go Kanto event – Red Version exclusives
- Ekans
- Nidoran (Female)
- Oddish
- Diglett
- Mankey
- Growlithe
- Ponyta
- Shellder
- Drowzee
- Krabby
- Hitmonlee
- Lickitung
- Scyther
- Electabuzz
- Kabuto
Pokemon Go Kanto event – Green Version exclusives
- Sandshrew
- Nidoran (Male)
- Vulpix
- Meowth
- Psyduck
- Bellsprout
- Geodude
- Exeggcute
- Hitmonchan
- Koffing
- Tangela
- Horsea
- Magmar
- Pinsir
- Omanyte
Beyond those, both version will be able to catch shiny Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pidgey, Pikachu, Eevee and Dratini.
Certain Pokemon will also be more attracted to incense during the event, so be sure to bring a few aloung!
Visual trainers can check out the guide below from Pokemon Go Hub, which breaks it down and shows off what each shiny Pokemon looks like. Remember, you won’t know if a Pokemon’s shiny until you click on it, so check everything, even if you don’t catch ’em all!

(Personally, I think I’ll be going with the Red version of the event… As much as I’d love a shiny Pincir, I could see myself actually using a shiny oddish on my in-game team… Plus, that Ponyta is a must have. Maybe I’ll finally get that shiny Dratini too… Wish me luck!)
So, which version of the Pokemon Go Kanto event are you going to be playing?