Just to build a bit on Blake’s “Nintendo dominates sales AGAIN” post from yesterday…
Nintendo, in addition to dominating the sales numbers for North America with the DS, Wii, and even the GBA (which beat the PS3 in sales), has helped boost the overall sales of the video game industry to over $1 billion dollars. And yes, the PS2 and God of War 2 also helped considerably. I’ll pause a moment to let you all do a quick Mike Meyers impression. Don’t forget the pinky finger.
The Nintendo DS was North America’s best-selling games hardware during March, helping to boost overall sales in the market to a massive USD 1.1 billion (EUR 808m), compared to USD 818 million (EUR 601m) the previous year.
This is good for everyone in gaming; the rising tide raises all boats. Except the PS3. Have you seen the size of that thing? Sinks like a rock.