Satoru Iwata showed off this amazing trailer for Monster Hunter 4 during his Nintendo Direct Presentation. The scheduled release is this summer on the 3DS (Japan). There is no current North American release date, however with the release of Monster Hunter 3 we might just be lucky enough to get it assuming sales are good enough.
Originally, there were rumors of a PS Vita (is that thing still around?) release, however Capcom’s Vice President, Christian Svensson, had the following to say:
“I would not believe everything you read on the internet. It will set you up for disappointment or misdirected frustration.”
Monster Hunter 4 is different from the previous releases, with the stronger focus on platforming. Taking full advantage of the 3D environment, you can now climb walls more fluidly, and you can actually grab the monsters while attacking for more interaction in the battles. The expansive environment will also be an advantage to the monsters as they use utilize the terrain to their advantage in the battles. Fans of underwater battles will be disappointed, as they have been excluded from the game.