A Mega Man sequel has been missing for far too long. In fact, the last time we saw him, he seemed to have let himself go quite a bit. Unfortunately, there has not been an announcement of a new Mega Man game but there is Mega Man news!
Christian Svensson, Capcom Senior VP, and Brett Elston, Capcom Community Manager, told Nintendo Power that they plan on bringing all six of the NES Mega Man titles to the 3DS virtual console. The first game has already arrived in Japan and Europe and three more titles are available in Japan. There are a few issues (although it has not been reported what the issues are) in porting more of the games to the 3DS, but they are working through the issues.
No time frame has been released for North America as of yet, however they are hoping to have them to us in the west once they have worked out a few issues.
Whenever I see an announcement like this, I get a little too excited as I read too far into it. Although, I really hope these releases are building to a new installment in the Mega Man series, I think I will be let down. Either way, I am still excited about these releases.
What was your favorite Mega Man character, and what would you like to see in a future Mega Man game?