Let’s Tap future tapping Game~?

A mysterious Sega website launches right around the same time of the Nintendo of Japan business media summit. Apparently Let’s Tap is a new game being developed by Prope and it is a Rhythm/Music game that revolves around tapping (go figure). Basically you place the Wiimote on a surface that can give way, like a box, and tap the surface of the box along with the beat. Let’s Tap is being called the first “Wiimote free” game, and judging from the above picture I’m assuming you play it with the balance board also? Hit the jump for a in game screen.

[Via Sega]

An artist from New York. Will has been writing, designing, and loving video games since he was young. He has traveled across the United States, and parts of Canada in order to learn more about the world of gaming. After visiting E3 for the first time in 2009, he has vowed to return there and show off a game of his own. In his spare time he tinkers with electronics, programming, and of course collecting video games.