Those industry savants and message board messiahs predicting the end of the Wii any day now will have to wait at least another month. Numbers out of Japan this week show that the number of Wii units sold was actually UP about 35,000 last week.
According to Enterbrain, the Wii has a Japanese lifetime sales total of over 3 million units, and the DS total exceeds 18 million units. Xbox 360, PSP and PS2 sales were up, but PS3 sales were down marginally, and the console still trails its predecessor’s weekly numbers.
Hardware sales for the week ending July 15: DS Lite – 141,967, Wii ”“ 109,854, PSP ”“ 37,578, PS2 ”“ 15,777, PS3 – 13,493, Xbox 360 ”“ 2,942.
And remember kids, while the Wii bubble is set to burst any day now, the PS3 is a slow starter that will rise meteorically in popularity any day now. See how that works? That’s Internet Logic 101.