Infendo Radio: Spring is in the air edition

Can you hear that? Yeah, it’s the sound of your neighbors leaving their houses to go…outside. It’s warmer, people are out doing yardwork, and Infendo Radio is on again. This week join Chris and I as we talk about things that matter in the world of Nintendo, while also deviating a bit to talk about other happenings in the video game industry.

If you like our show, please let us know about it! If you hate us, well, how could we be better the next time? Please send in your questions for the show to [email protected], or you can just ask us in the comments below. We would love to have your questions aired on the next show! Be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell all your friends about the show!

If you like this post, be sure to follow me on Twitter @infendo_eugene and check out my personal blog at! Chris has one now too! @ZKS_Chris 

Eugene lives in New Mexico and has been a life long gamer since getting his hands on an NES. Always partial to Nintendo, Eugene has made it a point to keep informed on all things Mario.