Infendo Radio: Episode 352 – Breaking Friendships

Infendo Radio

Infendo Radio 352 is on now! This week, we level up as we add Infendo writer Justin Clough to the mix to discuss Pokémon GO, Nintendo NX, Metroid’ s 30th anniversary, and more!

Be sure to get in on the action and send us your own #InfendoTop5! This week, we battle our own demons and discuss five popular or well received franchises we just can’t stand. Hearts were broken, shade was tossed, and you can only hear the hilarity that ensued by downloading the show! Tweet us your lists @infendo, or shoot us an email to [email protected]. Let’s get #InfendoTop5 trending!

Show notes:

Section Breakdown
Pokemon Go – 2:16
NX Talk – 16:13
Metroid – 41:57
Infendo Top 5 – 51:21
Infendo Change the System – 1:17:59
Mailbag – 1:22:16
Corrections – 1:44:08
Outro – 1:46:46

Metroid – Title Screen – NES
Metroid Prime -Inside the Crashed Space Pirate Frigate – GameCube
Metroid Prime – Phendrana Drifts- GameCube
Metroid Prime – Credits Theme – GameCube

Fear The Claw VG
Helveti Music


Eugene lives in New Mexico and has been a life long gamer since getting his hands on an NES. Always partial to Nintendo, Eugene has made it a point to keep informed on all things Mario.