Infendo Radio Episode 336: Nintendo in 2015

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Welcome to another episode of Infendo Radio! In episode 336, Lewis Pugh, Colin Crompton, and myself (Holly Fellmeth) talk about what we’ve been playing: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and more. We finish on a feature in which we discuss what’s on the way for Nintendo in 2015. On that note, we have a question for you, our listeners: will Nintendo’s 2015 top its 2014? Let us know what you think about that and don’t forget to also send any questions that may come to your mind! You can leave a comment below this post or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Enjoy the show!

Click here to listen to the show on your Wii U!

In addition to being a girl gamer, Holly prides herself on being a red-head. Consequently, the blue shell in the Mario Kart series is her natural enemy. Don't worry, though: she still loves Mario Kart and is very good, despite the occasional blue shell-sabotaged race. Like any Nintendo fan, Holly also loves Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, name it. But she'll try just about anything (besides horror games) and has a soft spot for unique, little-known rhythm games like Rhythm Heaven and Samba de Amigo. NNID: Aeroweth