Has anyone seen the video for Indianapolis 500 Legends on Wii? It’s a visual mess of a game stuck in the time continuum of 1994, no kidding.
The trailer looks and feels like one of those DOS games I played as a kid. The footage is reminiscent of a time when the only file sharing tool available was a 3 .5 floppy disc and a bus ticket. To prove my point, I grabbed the best looking still from Indianapolis 500 Legends and sided it with the worst looking screen from Indianapolis 500: The Simulation, the 1 MB DOS game. Can’t see the line, can you Russ!!??
Sometimes I get the feeling that Wii programming is getting more and more relaxed in the worst possible connotation. There’s no excuse for any developer out there to port another Resident Evil 4 in terms of graphics. We consumers have to draw the line somewhere. — Marcelo Ferri