If you focus on the negative, all you see is the negative. So says Games Radar writer David Houghton in this spot-on, he-nailed-it top 10 list entitled “10 Reasons to Stay Loyal to Nintendo.” I feel a certain kinship with my loyal UK Nintendo defender, because he see the forest through the trees, is able to look back and forward more than a month, and is completely right. Again, rational thinking trumps all.
A sample here and after the jump, then hit the link for an honest, level-headed assessment of Nintendo.
#5. Third-party developers are seriously getting their sh*t together
So Nintendo doesn’t have a huge amount of hardcore material on the way that we know of, but forget the old “Third-party Wii support sucks” cliche and look at the reality. Madworld, Fatal Frame IV, Dead Rising, Overlord, The Conduit, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Spore, Facebreaker, Sam & Max, Tenchu… They’re all coming to the Wii, more than a couple of them are exclusives designed specifically for the hardware. And none of them are mini-game collections. The tide, it finally does seem to be turning…
#9. Until recently, Nintendo hasn’t been skimping on the hardcore games.
Think about it. We’ve already had Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart, Smash Bros and a new, vastly under-rated addition to the Excite franchise. And several of those titles have been the best editions of their respecive franchises we’ve ever had. If Nintendo hadn’t been banging on about the expanded audience at the same time, would we really have had such a problem with the company’s hardcore output?