Attention Japanese speaking DS owners: the Nintendo DS Cooking Navigator released in 2006 got an upgrade:
“Nintendo has teamed up with Imperial Hotels Ltd. to bring out the next version. This time you will be taught dishes by the master chefs of Imperial hotel as their top secret recipes will make way to your DS. The basic operation remains the same as all you need to is just select the recipe and the DS will read out the recipe in a step by step process. The recipe will be divided in equal parts and to move to the next part you don’t have to take the pain to handle the touchscreen as it is voice activated and accepts commands like next, previous, repeat etc. However this time it wont be just teaching Japanese delicacies but also Western and Chinese foods. Unfortunately the Cooking Navigator will be in Japanese, pricing is not known but it will be out in Japan by this spring.”
As an avid fan of all things Iron Chef, I am green with envy of my Japanese neighbors this morning.